To become member of SFES

As member you receive:


One person 35 euros*
Couple 40 euros*
Student 22 euros*
Person with economical difficulties 22 euros*
Society 50 euros*
Support cotisation 100 euros*
Publication without membership 40 euros*
Membership without publication 20 euros*

* All taxes included

All these prices give right to the publication (4/year) and one vote to the general assembly (two for couple) (except for fee without membership).

The payments have to be:

  1. made to the name of SFES
  2. either by transfert on the bank account CCP n° 025 40 79 N 033 - La Source
    IBAN: FR03 2004 1010 1202 5407 9N03 367 BIC: PSSTFRPPSCE
  3. either by french cheques writen out in Euros sent to the Trésorier of SFES (M. Marcel RALLON)

The publications Subterranea                                                      Content                                                                         

To order a publication you can write to Bernard Lhuillery, and attach a french cheques (price of the publication + transportation).

The price of the publication from number 1 to 82 is 3,50 euros + 1,85 euros for transportation for one publication. The transportation fees are increased of 0,60 euro by additional publication. For order of more than 10 copies, the price is reduced to 30 euros.

The price for the publication number 83 and following is 8 euros + 1,85 euros for transportation for one publication. The transportation fees are increased of 0,60 euro by additional publication. For order of more than 10 copies, the price is reduced to 70 euros.

Special prices are available for very important orders. Send your order and request a price at this address

Some publication are out of print but can be buy to the same financial conditions in under the form of photocopies.

The proceedings

The proceedings can be buy for 15€ + transportation by writing to Claude Kahn. the payment have to be made by French cheques to the name of SFES or by international postal transfert with the mention "actes" and the year. The content of the actes are available  on this site.


Page created by Luc Stevens