Founded in 1971, the Société Française d'Etude des Souterrains (SFES) - French Society for Souterrains Sudies- is a society whose main objective is the study of amenaged souterrains.

The amenaged souterrains are cavities hewn by men and equiped with various amenagements. Most of them looks like galeries and rooms of relatively small size, that create a network more or less widespread.

The SFES is organised as a group of people from every horizons, archaelogist amateurs and professionnals, spéléologist, historians, mythologist or simple interrested people. They are united by the interest they have in all domain of research about amenaged souterrains.

The SFES constitutes a place of exchange between all spécialists of souterrains. In this aim, SFES published a quaterly journal Subterranea and organised an annually congres.

The journal Subterranea is constituted of information, paper and publication about amenaged souterrains.

The annual congress is made of paper presentation and visits of underground sites in a region of France or in another country.

Created by Luc Stevens

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