European Congress of Subterranology
XXIIIth Congress of the Société Française d'Etude des Souterrains
organised by
L'Association de Recherches Appliquées à la Spéléologie
14th - 17th July 2000
From the 14th to the 17th of July 2000, a European Congress of Subterranology and the 23th Congress of the Société Française d'Etude des Souterrains will be held in Belgium and will be organised by the Association de Recherches Appliquées à la Spéléologie.
The purpose of this congress is to give researchers, both amateur and professional, an opportunity to present an account of the work they have been doing, or some aspect of it, and to exchange information about methods and recent developments in archeological research into artificial undergrounds voids. These may be civil, military or religious in origin : underground refuge, wells and reservoirs, cellars, dugeous, crypts, marl-pits, ice-houses, troglodytes, cave-dewelling, old mine and quarry working, water courses,... In fact any man-made underground workings.
Papers can explore the various aspects of the history, ethnography, culture, mythology and folklore of such sites, or examine scientific, economic or sociological considerations.
Several well-known visitors from abroad have already given notice that they will attend the Congress, and we hope that you, too, come along and support our initiative.
The congress will be held in " La Ferme de la Bouverie " (Vieuxville/Ferrières) near the Logne Castle where the Association de Recherches Appliquées à la Spéléologie is currently excavating the well (current depht : 27 m. - Estimated depht : 60 m.). The archeological excavation (in activity) and the natural cave that have been used for defensiv purpose will be visited.
Signs and notices will be put on the week before the Congress and, maps and plans giving the necessary directions will be sent to you as soon we receive your booking form.
Accomodation, meal and meeting will all be on the same site and possibility for camping will be taken into account if you ask for it. All meal will be taken together, but only if ordered in advance.
For papers presentation, we can provide audio-visual aids as required (please precise what you need). Please let us have a summary of your paper befor May 2000.
Two exhibitions will be hald : one about the artificial caves and another about " Artificial caves in strip cartoons ". Participant to the Congress will, also, be allowed to exhibit photos, posters,...
A place to sell publications will be prepared for people who want to sell books and other publications. This stand will be monitored by a member of the Association de Recherches Appliquée à la Spéléologie.
Several visits are projected, as well in the belgian Ardennes than in Luxemburg and Netherland.
To have more information see our general program.
Acts will be edited during the year following the Congress and will be sent to anyone who pay for it. Offprint (10) will be sent to the authors (free of charge).
Anyone who wishes to present a paper at the Congress is invited to give a copy of it to the member of the Secretariat on arrival.
For a list of hotel click here
More information :
Claude KAHN
rue du Warchais, 50
6210 - Villers-Perwin
Phone : + 32 / 71 85 22 47
+ 32 / 71 85 04 12
Fax : 32 / 71 85 00 83
E-mail :
English - Francais
- Espanol - Deutch
- Italiano
Programme Général -
General Program
List of campsites - Liste des campings List of hotel - Liste des hotels
Homepage de la SFES Société Française d'Etudes des Souterrains
Avec le concours de la Région Wallonne - Direction de